The video shows how to cook simple and delicious home-made Garlic Chives and Chinese Bacon Stir-fry at home, a very simple and common home-cooked dish.
Garlic Chives, also called garlic sprouts (garlic moss), also known as garlic seedlings, or garlic flower in Taiwan. It is a flower stem extracted from garlic, which has a crisp taste and a special fragrance. Garlic moss is very suitable for being used to make dishes with various kinds of meat. The common ones are: garlic sprouts fried pork, garlic sprouts fried pork tenderloin, garlic sprouts fried bacon, garlic sprouts roasted meat, meat pieces stewed garlic sprouts, garlic sprouts back to the pot.
Chinese Bacon is also known as air-dried pork meat. It is a type of Chinese cured pork meat. It is usually cured in the December of the lunar calendar.
Anny's Kitchen respects simple and healthy, all dishes does not contain MSG.